Gainesville, Texas

ROck & Roll

Rob Cates,

Custom Gunmaker

I specialize in building, repairing, and refinishing military-style arms such as the AR-15 and AK-47/AKM rifles, as well as all of the duty and carry polymer-framed handguns. I developed these skills over two decades of military service. I also love coffee and drink it most of the day, so combining two things I love into one spot seemed like a great idea for a business.

I have had a love affair with the 1911 pistol for as long as I can remember. It truthfully is timeless, combining all the artisan elements into one perfect handgun. Once you have held and fired a custom 1911 pistol built for you, nothing else will ever compare.

Textile Pattern of Military Camouflage Fabric


Firearm Maintenance & Repair

Proper care and maintenance will ensure that quility firearms will long outlast their owners

Custom Work & Refinishing Services


Currently serving Blackout Coffee &

Death Wish Coffee,”The World’s Strongest Coffee”

What customers have to say

Close-Up Shot of an Afro-Haired Man in Checkered Shirt Looking Down
Black and Silver Car Wheel

Contact Details

Mailing Address

109 N Dixon St

Gainesville, TX 76240

Email Address

Phone Number

(940) 612 5315